michael seemann
FullStack Developer
Angular | Java | JavaScript | TypeScript | MongoDB | Node.js | Tomcat | Apache | Nginx | iOS | Docker | Cordova | Ionic | Electron
How to configure dialogs with the MdlDialogService or mdl-dialog component
angular 2 angular2-mdl Dialogs Material Design Lite

A new version of Angular 2 Material Design Lite (demo github) has been released today. Now you can configure a lot more of the ui. For example css styles or css classes.

How to use the MdlDialogService with Angular 2 Material Design Lite (angular2-mdl)
angular 2 Dialogs Material Design Lite

Version 2.0 of Angular 2 Material Design Lite (demo github) comes with a complete rewritten dialog service. This service let’s you create material design lite dialogs from your TypeScript code or right in your templates. It doesn’t requires any additional polyfills.

Angular 2 is now final and Angular 2 Material Design Lite (angular2-mdl) supports it
angular 2 Material Design Lite

Today Angular 2.0.0 has been released as final version. For sure Angular 2 Material Design Lite (demo github) fully supports this long awaited version of Angular.

The first release candidate of Angular 2 Material Design Lite (angular2-mdl) is out
angular 2 Material Design Lite

The first release candidate of my angular 2 component library has been released (demo github). This library provides components and directives that can be used in angular 2. The comppnents are based on material design lite (see getmdl.io for more information about this ui framework).

This post covers why i have written such a component library, how to use it and what components are offered by this npm module.

Setup Continuous Integration for an Angular 2 app hosted on GitHub - Part III
angular 2 protractor Sauce Lab GitHub Travis-CI

The previous two parts of this series covered how to setup the build process with Travis-CI and how we can publish our test coverage on Coveralls.

This post covers how to setup the e2e testing for our project. We will use Sauce Labs for our e2e testing. You’ll need at least a test account to get started without any fees. If you have an open source project you may create an account on Open Sauce it’s also free with unlimited testing time.

Setup Continuous Integration for an Angular 2 app hosted on GitHub - Part II
angular 2 karma coveralls GitHub Travis-CI

In the first part of this series we have seen how to run our tests on Travis-CI. This is great because we now know when our code is broken. But we don’t know how much of our code is covered by our tests. In this part we’ll going to add coverage reporting for our tests.

Setup Continuous Integration for an Angular 2 app hosted on GitHub - Part I
angular 2 angular cli GitHub Travis-CI

In this post I’ll describe how you can setup continuous integration for an angular 2 app that is hosted on github with Travis-CI, Coveralls and Sauce Labs. After that you have a nearly complete pipeline for your agile project. I am using roamlrs as an example project.

To get started you need to create a GitHub repository that you have initialized with ng init from the Angular CLI project. How to do this is described on the Angular CLI website so I leave it up to you following they’re instructions.

Setup a jekyll site for your github account.
jekyll site github

May be you have heard about GuthubPages. If not, it is a quite easy way to create a website that is hosted at GitHub. And if you want you can make this website available under your own domain. Let’s get started:

First of all you need to create a GitHub repository with a name that will match your GitHub Pages website url. My github username is mseemann. So the name of the repository must be mseemann.github.io. Every file that is present in this repository will be part of your website. Try it out and create a simple index.html in your repository, commit, push and access your website http://[username].github.io.

Using Angular 2 on the server side.
angular 2 node.js express dependency injection

A main feature of Angular 2 is the separation of DOM rendering from the rest of the framework. This makes it possible to run Angular 2 in more environments then only the browser.

More environments? Think about the worker in the browser where you can run javascript code in a separate thread but where you don’t have access to the DOM. Or think about the new ServiceWorker to create progressive apps. Another use case is the prerendering of the initial view of your app on the server. This will not only speed up the start time of your app rather makes it also possible to provide a representation of your app for search engines.

In this post I’ll provide an example how to use angulars dependency injection framework on the server side.

michael seemann
FullStack Developer
Angular | Java | JavaScript | TypeScript | MongoDB | Node.js | Tomcat | Apache | Nginx | iOS | Docker | Cordova | Ionic | Electron
557 95
Angular 2 - 14 components, directives and styles based on material design lite (npm: @angular-mdl/core)
99 42
Additional components for @angular-mdl/core that are not part of material design lite (npm: @angular-mdl/*)
88 30
Export/Import/Sample Generator for HealthKit Data (Swift + UI)
44 4
Create a RESTful service with ES7 decorators for your express based node.js application.
7 1
Create a RESTful service with ES7 decorators for your node.js application.